
Showing posts with the label Haddock

Why should Tintin Be Gay?

Tintin just had his eightieth Birthday. And in true 21st century manner the hot topic out there is whether Tintin is Gay or Not! Does Tintin Have To Be Gay? There are many out there who believe that. I mean a man has to wave his sexual preferences with a red flag to be considered not gay! I am old fashioned. I believe everyone is straight unless they say they are not. Herge decided not to highlight anything about Tintin's girlfriend or women in his life. Fine. He didn't even talk about his parents, siblings, schooling, in fact anything personal. So why should he talk about his sex life. No, the people out there are just looking to fill spaces/columns with sensationalism. I think Tintin was just Tintin - a character made for adventure. Sample what one "gay" advocate for Tintin says "What debate can there be when the evidence is so overwhelmingly one-way? A callow, androgynous blonde-quiffed youth in funny trousers and a scarf moving into the country mansion of his...