
Showing posts with the label papaya diet

10 Benefits of a Bowl of Papaya for Breakfast

It is a well known fact that papaya has a huge cache of benefits asociated with it. Together with green tea - papaya is the most revered of food that nutritionists and dieticians recommend. And with good reason. The 10 Benefits of Papaya  Reason # 1 to eat papaya Unlike many other healthy food - a rich ripe papaya tastes like heaven . Its sweet and slightly sour taste provides just the required kickstart to a glorious feeling throughout the day. For a sustained diet of any food - it has to taste good - papaya has that going for it in loads! # 2 - The fruit is available throughout the year. So it can form a part of any dietary plan in any season . Click Here for the Perfect Weight Loss Ebook!  # 3 - Its health benefits are myriad. It contains an enzyme Papain that helps in natural digestion . # 4 - A bowl of Papaya can provide about 10% of our daily requirement of natural dietary fibre and helps in clear bowel movement. # 5 - It is a rich natural source of Vitamins A, C, E a...