
Showing posts with the label humor

5 Reasons Why Chelo Kebab is Not Nasi lemak

A few days back I had an amazing dinner of Chello Kebab at perhaps the World's most famous restaurant serving Chelo Kebab - Peter Cat in Park Street at Kolkata. During the course of my post prandial musings, my thoughts flew to another favorite meal with amazingly similar "apparent" ingredients but an entirely different result - the Nasi Lemak from Malaysia. Both are complete meals with chicken, vegetable, egg on the side with rice at the centre. And thats where the similarities end between the two meals! Nasi Lemak has flavoured rice as in Chelo Kebab. In Nasi Lemak , the flavour comes from lime leaves and lemon grass - while in Chello Kebab the flavouring is from butter and the smell of basmati rice. Chicken is the main ingredient of Chello Kebab as the name suggests. It comes in the form of awesomely rich, grilled, minced chicken kebabs - whose ingredients and secrets go back perhaps 300 years or so. You also get barbecued chicken on skewers. The chicken in Nas...

The Secret Diary of a Wimpy Housewife

Well, I am the first to admit that the title is neither original nor applies to me. I am not a wimpy housewife, no way. Inspired by my son's devouring of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid and treating it as a bible - I had to pick up the "Secret Diary of a Demented Housewife" - when I came across it at the local library. There was an immediate affinity with diary and diarist - just reading the first page. Many a times I have vowed to spend "quality, life-affirming things to reclaim my spirit" and "staring vacantly into space" wondering about the "the selfless decision to leave the workplace." Or trying to feel noble about being a stay at home mother. As for being wimpy - I don't always give in to the others whims. If I do - I have strong reasons like: I do let my kids watch Cartoon Network 14 hours a day - but that's because I believe a moving, lively, colorful medium will do more for their brain than the staid colorless words in print. They ...

The Pink Chaddi Movement - Indian Women Fight Back - Join Pink Chaddi at Facebook!

Pink Chaddi (Pink Panty) is "A Consortium of Pub-going, Loose and Forward Women" with a mission to send the Ram Sena and its Chief Pramod Muthalik a Pink Chaddi. Why send the Ram Sena a pink chaddi? Remember, the Ram Sena and its goons beat up young women in Mangalore for apparently going to pubs and with a dire warning not to celebrate Valentine's Day. And, hilariously, the Ram Sena says "no one from good families would resort to such cheap steps" - meaning they come from "good families" beating up women for going to pubs or dressing "indecently"! The Pink Chaddi campaign is a message that beating up Indian Women in public is against "ummm... AGAINST INDIAN CULTURE" too. This is by far the best step Indian women and men have taken to stand up to right wing extremists and their arm twisting terror tactics! The facebook page already has more than 21000 members of either gender. You can join at Facebook here

Valentine's Day Poem - With A Difference!

There was a time when I got the Best Valentine cards, Guys wanted to be close to me like mad. I got the best of best friends too Who vied to pay attention to me and woo. I am 40 now and not getting young, Crying for all the love and attention and a bit of song My husband forgets the V'day My son so young and gay does only stuff that his girlfriends say! 20 years older and 40 pounds heavier Oh how weary and dull life seems now If I was a bit thin or a lot cool I could still conquer the world For don’t I know it all! All of you out there, the young uns So full of love and life and laughter Please resist those chocolates As you might be me twenty years on!

How To Make Pasta

I guess how I made Pasta would be a more appropriate title for this post! Anyways, here it goes... I was having a small get-together, a kind of mini kitty party a few days back and I decided to make pasta (with sauce and all of course). For some unknown reason (after all I had never tried to make pasta before), I decided it was the easiest thing to prepare. So, I went about shopping the evening before. Ingredients I picked up the best-looking packet of macaroni, a can of baked beans, a tinned mushroom, a tin of tomato puree. Then I looked at the cheese available and found just the right thing, a packet of grated cheese. See, I had done my research on the net. I had found a dozen recipe of pasta. Its another matter that none of them advised putting all these stuff together. I also picked up bottles of garlic salt and white pepper. Just as I was leaving, I was suddenly assailed by doubts (a rare thing, but there…) I got a packet of noodles and some perfectly cut frozen vegetables as well...

How To Get Rid Of The Insurance Agent!

The Insurance Industry promises many things. All those delightful, costly, lengthy insurance commercials promise you the best of education, terrific pensions that takes care of the world tour, lovely sea-front mansions, huge cars, etc etc. And they all make you believe just taking an insurance would get you those! You know where the money for all these ads come from? Of course your auto insurance quote, your life insurance quote and all the terrific insurance quotes you get and the many policies you have taken! Know what, you may not really need more insurance (i mean risk coverage by that, not investments, though insurance companies tend to mix both and absolutely misconfuddle you!). But would your agent take that. No. You will be convinced and then convinced some more that you absolutely need that policy. So how do you get rid of these pesky perseverent species? Here are some surefire ways to keep them away. - Tell them you are at the hospital, and could they please come over with th...

The Ideal Diet!

This article's not for you if are serious about losing weight! This is for all out there like me who know all about the weight loss diets, who find out all they can about losing weight, low carb diets, check out all diet programs, participate in all diet plans, with absolutely no hope or intention to minimize those pounds! For us its not really extra weight, its "the ideal weight!" I am going to talk about what people are looking for in a diet...not what they really need to lose those ungainly bulges! These two things are as different as apples and oranges as you will see! What you really need - a strict diet! have a look a the flat belly diet and all the other diet plans out there - a strict diet- no impulse icecream, pastries, patties, burgers, lards, fried chicken, fried anything, restaurant food, creams, mid morning, mid evening, mid day snacks - a strict diet - refuse that extra drink, dessert at your friend's... you might have noticed those trimmed figures...