
Showing posts with the label how to

Analyse Your Dreams

I just came across a very interesting website. The site is a free online dreams analysis website. How does it work? Dream Dictionary - The site has a dream dictionary where you find different terms and objects alphabetically and you can find what it means to dream of them. Otherwise enter your dream and click interpret to find out what it implies. Suppose you have dreamed of the sea. Find out what it means here at Don't know if it works or not or how much of the subconscious one gets to understand from the interpretation. Often one wakes up from a ridiculous dream and wonders what it could really mean. This dictionary might help! In my opinion, its quite a lot of fun - if you dont take it seriously! My dreams are mostly long and protracted - nothing as simple as, for eg, a rose or the sea or goats - how does one interpret them? Maybe there are other sites out ther...

How to Track Santa This Christmas Eve!

Santa Tracker - NORAD Santa Tracker - Track Santa on Christmas Eve! When is Santa starting out from his village in the North Pole? All the hard work - packing gifts, preparing goodies and making toys in his own special toy making machine - have almost come to an end! As per last reports from Santa's home - Santa Claus couldn't resist the smell of gingerbread from the kitchen and fox trotted around the kitchen with Mrs. Claus - with the elves looking on and frowning! In some three hours he will ride out on his sleigh and with his lists of good and naughty. The sleighs are being loaded as I write this and instructions have come from Santa's home - that he will be too busy to answer mails today. How do you know when is Santa Claus going to reach your town? The NORAD website has day to day updates of the happenings at Santa's Village with loads of games and activites. It is by far one of the most popular website during Christmas Eve ! Try the official No...

How To Ask For A Pay Raise At Work

How to ask for a pay raise at work is a pretty tricky business. You have been working at the same salary for some time now. You believe you are invaluable to the Company. You like to think that the Company believes the same too. You also believe you are overdue for the raise. However your Boss shows no signs of acknowledging your monetary worth. More often than not, you are the one to have to raise the issue. So how do you ask for that raise? Here are some tips to keep in mind while asking for that all important salary increase. • You find out your worth. The best way to do it is talk with your peer group in the same profile outside your company. Or you can consider a hypothetical situation – if you were to walk out, how much salary would you be likely to get? • If you are in sales or customer service – you can easily find out the business or repeat sales you have generated for your Company. That should form the benchmark for your raise. • Find out inflation related changes since your ...

How To Make Pasta

I guess how I made Pasta would be a more appropriate title for this post! Anyways, here it goes... I was having a small get-together, a kind of mini kitty party a few days back and I decided to make pasta (with sauce and all of course). For some unknown reason (after all I had never tried to make pasta before), I decided it was the easiest thing to prepare. So, I went about shopping the evening before. Ingredients I picked up the best-looking packet of macaroni, a can of baked beans, a tinned mushroom, a tin of tomato puree. Then I looked at the cheese available and found just the right thing, a packet of grated cheese. See, I had done my research on the net. I had found a dozen recipe of pasta. Its another matter that none of them advised putting all these stuff together. I also picked up bottles of garlic salt and white pepper. Just as I was leaving, I was suddenly assailed by doubts (a rare thing, but there…) I got a packet of noodles and some perfectly cut frozen vegetables as well...

How To Clean Your PC

PC users these days start off with the internet unlike in ancient times when PCs were mostly standalone. However with constant use of the Web a lot of junk files tend to get accumulated in the PC and unless cleaned regularly, they really slow down the system. Here are some basic maintainence steps that have worked very well for me in the last decade for my PC/laptop. You can try them before calling in the experts. The steps are for Windows users Clean Temporary Internet Files Go to Internet Explorer/Tools/Internet Options At Temporary Internet Files Delete Cookies and delete temp. internet files Reduce the No. of Days to keep in History to 3. The default option is 20 Clean Temporary Files Go to Run at the Start Menu Type %temp% and click ok Select all the temporary files that appear and send to Recycle Bin Empty the Recycle Bin Empty the recycle bin at periodic intervals as it tends to slow up the PC. Here's another way to clean those temporary internet files and the recycle bin. U...

How To Get Rid Of The Insurance Agent!

The Insurance Industry promises many things. All those delightful, costly, lengthy insurance commercials promise you the best of education, terrific pensions that takes care of the world tour, lovely sea-front mansions, huge cars, etc etc. And they all make you believe just taking an insurance would get you those! You know where the money for all these ads come from? Of course your auto insurance quote, your life insurance quote and all the terrific insurance quotes you get and the many policies you have taken! Know what, you may not really need more insurance (i mean risk coverage by that, not investments, though insurance companies tend to mix both and absolutely misconfuddle you!). But would your agent take that. No. You will be convinced and then convinced some more that you absolutely need that policy. So how do you get rid of these pesky perseverent species? Here are some surefire ways to keep them away. - Tell them you are at the hospital, and could they please come over with th...

How To Attract Women With Your Online Dating Profile!

What Women Look For In Online Dating Sites! If you are a serious player in the online dating space you better watch out! Women are growing more discering with a proliferation of these sites and can smell a scam well from a distance (at least the net savvy ones can!) Here's what you should do to attract the right kind of attention Profile Picture Women get turned off by the obvious fake photos. Put something of yours that is recent. You can put on a cap or maybe the glares, in case you feel you are ordinary looking. But never don both. And if you are balding, then shave it all off and pose! That will be just sooo cool. Remember a good profile picture will be ninety percent of the job done. The comments and your views come much much later. Education Emphasis your education, always. If you are from a top college dont hesitate to mention it. Girls dont mind nerds irrespective of what you may have heard. maybe you can mention the freelance project you did while at college that got a pat...