
Showing posts with the label dream analysis

Analyse Your Dreams

I just came across a very interesting website. The site is a free online dreams analysis website. How does it work? Dream Dictionary - The site has a dream dictionary where you find different terms and objects alphabetically and you can find what it means to dream of them. Otherwise enter your dream and click interpret to find out what it implies. Suppose you have dreamed of the sea. Find out what it means here at Don't know if it works or not or how much of the subconscious one gets to understand from the interpretation. Often one wakes up from a ridiculous dream and wonders what it could really mean. This dictionary might help! In my opinion, its quite a lot of fun - if you dont take it seriously! My dreams are mostly long and protracted - nothing as simple as, for eg, a rose or the sea or goats - how does one interpret them? Maybe there are other sites out ther...