
Showing posts with the label make money online

A Long Time

It has been quite a long time since I last blogged here. Pretty remiss of me! If I start a blogging site - its my responsibility to keep it updated. Mea Culpa. But I have reasons. I had guests at home - lots of guests. I have been travelling - lots of travel too. Singapore, Langkawi, Redang, Cameroon, Mumbai - so dear readers, you can except a lot of boring details and updates soon! What has happened in the time I have been away? The fake IPL player has not revealed himself, Susan Boyle has not won Britain's Got Talent, India has not won the T20 World Cup, there is no coalition Government in India and Laloo is not Railway Minister (I know I have never covered poilitics - but Indian politics is still news I have to follow since I feel it concerns me). Of course much else is happening around - but I have not even followed the online trends to keep anyone updated. Mea Culpa again! The stock market is up. Hoorah! I have not looked at my investments for some time now. Will need to do it...

Mummy Woes

I have recently shifted to a new place leaving behind the comfort of my home state, Mom, Dad, in-laws, aunts, uncles, etc, etc. You get the drift. With all the attendant heartache (or relief!), I have also left behind the comfort of a domestic help. It’s a novel experience for me caring for my children all alone and all day. Before this, I always had people to cook and care for the child. So much for the advantages of working out! Working seems so very simple compared to this! You just need to take care of the target and the rest falls into place. Like a fat cheque at the end of the month! You come home at 8 in the evening, cuddle the child, before handing him over to be fed. In the meantime you catch the news and then some cartoon with the toddler. Now look where I am. It seems my entire life is just planning the next meal and then ensuring that that meal goes where it's intended and not into the dustbin! Just when breakfast is over, lunch needs to be cooked. After running around ...