
Showing posts with the label online games

Play Mario Online - Mario Widget

Here's a nice little Mario Game anyone will love! Get the Mario Time Trial widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox !

I Am An Online Games Addict

I am an online games addict. Free online games, Card Games, especially Spades, are my favorites. Yahoo Games website is the most incredible online gaming site I have come across. My earliest introduction to the internet was of course through Hotmail. It was amazing to be able to send a message across the seven seas in a few seconds and get a reply too, esp. when phone calls were so damn expensive. Then I happened to stumble upon Yahoo. And as there was not really much to do at college other than studying (in a residential b-school being the only married person in class, keeps you kind of lonely) I came across online games. Yahoo Games then was not the hyper cool version it is now. And there were not really many people online. I started with Literatti (as that was the least hedonistic way of wasting time!) and made some of my closest friends online at Yahoo Games. After I left college I was busy for a couple of years. Then I had to leave my job. That was the time I really became a Yahoo...