The Writing Experience

Why does one Write? Is it just to Make Money? Can everyone write a Book? Creative writing is a uniquely selfish process. The writer gives her heart and soul into those few written words and the involved author doesnt really look at the sentiments of the audience!

Writing is a cathartic process. Very few genuine writers do it for money, at least to begin with. An authentic work of art can never be produced if economic gains were the only motivation. So we have wannabe writers churning out reams of words...How many of them are ultimately successful? But everyone lives for a masterpiece, that one product where the world will realise the true value of the writer.

Where will anyone who wants to write, start from? There is, I believe, a writer in every one of us (maybe not an editor, though!), for doesn't each of us see the world uniquely?

To start writing one just needs to follow these basic principles

W - Write whatever one feels...just jot it down.
R - Read everything...anything interesting
I - Innovate - think of new aspects of a story - eg Hilary Clinton - how would she look with a nose job :-)
T - Tenacity - that will carry you, if nothing else. DONT GIVE UP
E - Echo - Last and of course the most important, let whatever you have written Echo! Read your work aloud to friends, talk about it, distribute it, advertise it - for unless others know about it, how will you know whether they like it or not? Opinions, however distasteful, always are the foundation of better or improved results. And only you can talk about your work, not others.

So, pick up your pen (or mouse) and WRITE (or type)!


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