Earth Day

April 22nd is Earth Day. The Day when environment hogs the limelight, the day where all the right forums express the correct environmental concerns. When the vox populi through various media expresses its anguish over the ozone layer, the dwindling rivers, rising sea lines, carbon dioxide, toxic wastes, environmental changes, melting arctics and Himalayas, rising hometown temperature, acid rains. School students make posters and learn how far the and how fast the Mother Earth is headed towards self-destruction.

This building up of the concern was the main reason Earth Day was conceived by Senator Gaylord Nelson, Founder of Earth Day. To get the people and politician involved and more proactive in conserving the planet. However we laymen cannot really shape the oil policies or halt the erosion of the ozone layers or the Arctic caps other than by expressing concern. What we can do, what we need to do and what we should teach our children to do are still a lot.

Here’s a small list starting at the beginning of the day.

Keep the tap shut while brushing teeth.

Walk, cycle or use public transport to work or school

Plant vegetation around the house – it provides oxygen, clean air as well as makes the house cooler.

Carry out a planned energy saving exercise at home – like Earth Hour but on a daily basis

Avoid polythene bags and use paper bags as far as possible

Reuse plastic bottles, containers

Recycle water

Use “natural” personal care products like moisturizers, deodorants, lotions, shampoo, etc. Natural means plant based (not petroleum based) or home made products.

Reduce, reuse, reinvent and recycle should be a daily mantra.

There are many more things we can do at our level. Green guides and green products are plentily available now, both online and at stores. National Geography has a very comprehensive Green guide. Check out this link for National Geographic green guide and green products.

In developing countries, at least in India, reuse and recycle happens as a way of life. Very little gets wasted. Whether this recycling is done hygienically using the correct technology is however a matter of concern. Developed countries face a different problem. Recycle and reuse, though “correct” words are not really applied in daily life. I mean I can’t see newspaper, plastics being collected systematically from house to house to be reused! In fact people need to be paid to remove old stuff and scraps!

A watercolor as my tribute to Earth Day


  1. Very true.....Doing something for the earth on daily basis will definitely make a difference,as we are responsible mothers we should practice ourselves the 3 R's.And hence I feel every day is EARTH DAY.

  2. thanks for the comment- how did you like my watercolor?;-)

  3. Previously I used to think people are just being “hypocrites” by having a day named for a cause may it be Earth, Cancer, Girl child, Mother's day or for that matter valentines day. Does it really help the cause by just a wearing green or drawing a poster…….. on Earth day . But now I think it sure does?

    Because for every cause to reach its destination ……..the people need to realize the importance and take the “first step” …………..And after that the journey continues. So these days are just the a way to tell that it is important and needs our attention.(which is helpful considering the fast life). Once the beginning is made …we can continue doing our part in our small ways.

    It make me all the more happy when kids talk about these issues……..sensitively.

    And your water painting is good considering that you must have done it after a long time……(maybe the last time you did a painting was for a design submission …..)

  4. As my contribution, I have decided to take public transportation to pick up Nischal after school. (His car-pool guys are going back to India this weekend.) Hope I am able to keep my promise and give up a few of those extra pounds.


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