A Few Malay Words You Will Need At The Grocer

Here are some common Bahasa Malaya words one needs to know when one goes shopping at the grocer.

Refined Wheat Flour
- Tepung Gandum
Sugar - Gula
Salt - Garam
Rice Powder - Tepung Beras
Egg - Telur
Fish - Ikan
Chicken - Ayam
Milk - Susu
Coconut Milk - Santan
Banana - Pisang
Water - Air (pronounced a-eer)
Pepper - Lada
Chilli - Cili (C in Bahasa is pronounced as "Ch")
Bun Kosong - Plain Bun
Limah Ais - Ice Lemon drink
Tea - Teh
Tea with milk - Teh Tarik
Coffee - Kopi

If you are looking at local fruits be sure to buy "rambutan" and taste some Durian. Durian is a jackfruit like fruit that has got a distinctive odour and is an acquired taste. You can start with the peeled pieces available at the supermarket. Rambutan has a prickly cover and and a sweet sweet interior. Logan, Mangosteen and Dragon fruits are some other tropical fruits plentily available.

(Disclaimer - I am writing this blog as I learn Bahasa Melayu from what I see and hear. There are bound to be mistakes. Please leave a comment if you find any. I am trying to doublecheck what I write)


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