
Showing posts from October, 2013

Amanda Weight Loss Viral Video

Look at Amanda X as she loses weight! Amanda (last name unknown) started taking a pic of herself tobetter moderate  her weight loss efforts and in one year she lost an incredible 88 lbs going from fat to svelte! A Reddit user condensed the pics to a 5 sec gif of Amanda losing 88 lb and the clip is truly amazing and inspiring. In fact inspiring enough for me to take a shot of self (though not enough to share!) Woman's Time-Lapse Weight Loss Video Goes Viral | ABC News Blogs - Yahoo

BMI Calculator

A BMI calculator is just one way to keep a track of a healthy body weight. Though there have been many criticisms of the BMI - for example it doesnt take into account muscle weight vs fat weight - its a good way to keep a check on whether one remains in the healthy zone by normal people. Powered by BMI Calculator

Why Its Easier To gain Weight Than to Lose Weight?

I have heard this refrain hundreds of times - "I have only got to breathe air to gain weight" or "I go to the gym but havent lost any weight" or just simply "Why dont I lose weight?" Let me tell you why. No this is not going to be a brutal dissemination of your terrible eating habits. Just some plain fact about calories and how we gain them and lose them. How much calorie to lose/gain 1 kg It takes approximately 7700 calories to lose 1 kg of fat. Suppose one goes about one's normal work eating normal everyday food. A 65-68 kgs person would need approximately 1800 calories in a day. The regular food we consume will total upto more or less that. By regular food I mean a bowl of cereal for breakfast with juice, some carbohydrates, protein and vegetables for lunch, some snacks and a regular supper. Nothing  high carbohydrate or junk included. How we consume extra food without knowing Suppose one consumes a pastry or a bag of chips extra - that would easily...

Workout - 19/10/2013

My Workout Regime for the day Feeling positively awash with goodwill today. Had another great workout yesterday. Here's how it went Stretching Round 1   5 mins on the elliptical (read - 65 cal) A set of legs and arms workout on the home gym (Leg press, Leg Extension, Shoulder press), 100 twists on the spinner Round 2  11 mins on the treadmill (read - 100 cal) 2nd set of muscles workout Round 3   54 Mins on the treadmill (Read - 612 cal) Maximum intensity - Incline 12, Speed - 6.7 km/hr Check out the stats here Finally did some post exercise lounging around, watching TV, listening to songs loud and cooling down :)

Workout - 17/10/2013

Today's Workout Log 7 Rounds around the campus Time - 50 mins: Distance - 4 kms approx. I have to set my pedometer properly. It gets disconnected with too much movement of my arms! Intensity - Not too high. Considerably hampered by gossiping Feeling - Great Gym - 3 rounds of leg press, leg extension, twister, arms crunch followed by a 5 mins on the vibration plate Today's Food Log Breakfast - 4 pooris and alu sabzi from Ganguram :-) Lunch - Normal with saag, karela, mixed veg, daal and a little rice Bsicuits - 4 Maries Sweets - 1 Nalen gurer sandesh 1 bowl Papaya Dinner - 1 plate homemade mattar chat (with farsan/chips on top) Now how do I sum up these calories????

Retirement Bollwood Ishtylee

An Icon Retires - Not In Shtyle??? One can't help wondering about this conversation...BCCI - "Retire before South Africa - your 200th test will be in Mumbai" The build up is like its the final test before apocalypse!!! Some private thoughts...How credible will that final Test be? How far will cricket's premier body and its confederates go to boost its viewership, rating, TRP, earnings? -------------------------------- (Meme by

Yesterday's Workout!

Finally got around to doing some real kicka.. workout yesterday. In fact two days in a row. 14th October - 6 rounds around the campus (I estimate a distance of 650 or so mts per round) after my last workout on 5th October. It was a relief to get out of the house with a friend and move around after awating a major Hurricane (Phailin), antcipating, preparing and then tiding over it - over the weekend. Not much damage around the campus except a few broken limbs (from trees, silly) and lots of leaves and twigs. 15th Oct - 8 rounds including some slow jogging  (again with above friend) which felt truly satisfying. Continued onto the gym. Did 3 rounds of weights for legs and arms and then the blessed relief of the vibration plates. I know these variety of exercise will help better eventually - but there is nothing more adrenaline busting than watching the calorie count going up up on a treadmill! Here's to more exercise! Did I spoil it all with a beer tonight? Cannot be helped - sigh. i ...

10 Benefits of a Bowl of Papaya for Breakfast

It is a well known fact that papaya has a huge cache of benefits asociated with it. Together with green tea - papaya is the most revered of food that nutritionists and dieticians recommend. And with good reason. The 10 Benefits of Papaya  Reason # 1 to eat papaya Unlike many other healthy food - a rich ripe papaya tastes like heaven . Its sweet and slightly sour taste provides just the required kickstart to a glorious feeling throughout the day. For a sustained diet of any food - it has to taste good - papaya has that going for it in loads! # 2 - The fruit is available throughout the year. So it can form a part of any dietary plan in any season . Click Here for the Perfect Weight Loss Ebook!  # 3 - Its health benefits are myriad. It contains an enzyme Papain that helps in natural digestion . # 4 - A bowl of Papaya can provide about 10% of our daily requirement of natural dietary fibre and helps in clear bowel movement. # 5 - It is a rich natural source of Vitamins A, C, E a...

Maa Durga vs Cyclone Phailin

Maa Durga has her task cut out for her on this Ashtami 2013. As the devotees gear up for the much anticipated Durga Ashtami Puja - there is apprehension, fear, belief, resignation in the air. The demon is around the corner. In the shape of a whirling, swirling juggernaut of a tornado that looks ready to uproot everything in its way. This omnipresent Goddess,  the embodiment of power, peace and motherhood - the killer of Mahisashura and all the evils that the demon personified - will she be able to vanquish this massive demon? I can feel the people still hoping that the Goddess will somehow sway the demon. Together with our belief in Lord Jagannath we believe in this Mother Durga towards whose worship we plan and look forward to throughout the year. Cyclone Phailin is a tangible monster with wind speed currently at 160 mph and around 400 kms away from landfall. It is showing all indications of a Supercyclone. But I still hear questions like - is it truly coming? Why is there n...

How to do Suryanamaskar (With Illustration) - Health, Fitness, Meditation and Prayer

How 12 Rounds of Surya Namaskar is all your Body Needs Surya Namaskar or the salutation to the Sun God has long been accepted by Indian culture to provide a deep aligning of the mind, body and spirit. these asanas passed down from ascetics and refined by yoga Gurus has been practised for centuries early in the morning as a form of salutation to the Sun God Surya. The modern day or current popularity of Surya Namaskar can be directly attributed to Sr sri Ravi Shankar and his Art of Living good living cell - as the popularity and following of Pranayama by millions can be attributed directly to Baba Ramdev. How to Do Surya Namaskar The Surya Namaskar yoga consists of 12 asanas in an inviolable sequence # 1. Stand with your palms together ( Namaskar pose ) and your feet together in Pranamasan # 2 Ardha Chandrasan-  Lift the arms up and back in a slow fluid movement so as to stretch the entire body. Keep the arms close to the head and push the pelvis slightly forward to stretch better. ...

600 Calories on Treadmill - Tum dee dum

I worked out 600 calories on treadmill today. This is by far my BEST EVER effort on a treadmill. I had done 600 calories one roughly 10 months back when I was preparing for the marathon. However then since my concentration was on jogging - I couldnt log much calories even though I worked out longer. Today's workout log Calories Burnt - 600 cal Workout - walking on incline on treadmill Distance covered - 5 kms Time - 50 mins Maximum incline - 13 Maximum intensity - jogging for 1 min at 7 km per hour speed on 13 incline. Followed this workout with some crunches, leg press and 6 minutes on the Vibration Plate Feeling - good! This workout came about after losing around 1.5 kgs this week because of an upset stomach which compelled me to a minimal diet. I feel positively lightweight and timble toed ;-)

Sandra Bullock - Gravity and Age Defying Fitness

I just read the review of Gravity in which Sandra Bullock plays a lost in space astronaut. At 50, Bullock is getting rave reviews for her yummy appearance. Bullock was always one my favorite people on screen. With this performance (which I will be sure to watch) my admiration for her has gone up a notch or two. Just one generation back - 50 was considered to be irretrievably old. Male actors have transcended the 50 years barrier with meaty roles for sometime. Women havent been so lucky. Good roles yes - but "gravity" defining roles at 50 - cant remember any! Bullock's role which must have demanded a load of stamina is a tribute to her fitness. Sandra trained specifically for her "weightlessness" in the movie. She admits she pushed her body to the extreme during training. Read about how Sandra trained for Gravity here. Bullock's fitness regime is apparently a combination of dance routines for cardio, yoga and pilates. She revealed on Today Show to Jay Leno...

Lalu Prasad Yadav - Birsa Munda Jail Inmate

You can love Lalu, you can hate him - but you cannot ignore him. For those who don't or cant delve deep into the murky world of Bihar politics, Lalu was a fascinating figure. The ultimate kingmaker. Many in the nation held an aversion to Lalu during the scam days, his belligerent ways, his "I am above all laws in Bihar" attitude - and similarly many more had more or less replaced those images of him with those of a "successful minister", a kindly outspoken avuncular person, someone who understood the grassroots, family values. Especially when it became known he was not becoming the PM in the near future. Lalu playing holi in dhoti, Lalu cooking for his family, Lalu in HBR and Lalu spouting truly secular values somehow managed to outweigh in the public's mind the very audacity and volume of the fodder scam. Of course in recent times the audacity of the multi thousand crore mining and 2G scams have somehow dwarfed the few crores Lalu apparently pocketed....

A Healthy Run - That Was Not Healthy!

A 5 km run is just going to be a stroll in the park, right? Wrong. If it has been organised by Apollo Hospital, if the runners are made to wait for an hour after the schedule of the run for the numerous guests, chief guests to stroll in, if there is no line marking the starting area - that the DJ co-ordinating the run has to shout herself hoarse, threaten, cajole, plead to get the runners into a supposed starting line which had already been changed twice, if there is absolutely no water along the way, if... the list goes on. I am talking about the Run for a Healthy heart Run organised by Apollo Hospital Bhubaneswar on 29th September to mark a Healthy Heart day.  If "organised" is a word that can be used for the event. The saddest part was there were many young children and older people who had come with such enthusiasm. It was touted as an everyman run. But apparently they forgot to provide water. I completed the near 5 km distance in 35 minutes, my son in 30 minutes - and if...