5 Things to do in the Morning - Health and Fitness Goals
Here are my Top 5 things to do in the morning for a healthy, happy and fit day.
1. Listen to songs of nature. If you strain your ears in the morning you will catch the tailor bird, babbler, sparrow or drongo conversing if you are lucky. Else there is the pigeon mynah or crow. A few minutes of listening to the titter and titter sets a tranquil mood for the day. There are are other sounds of nature to catch too like the fall of leaves, rustle of wind or if you are lucky and near the coast, the breaking of the waves. So go ahead and find your songs of nature around you.
2. Sit quietly and reflect. Even a few minutes of absolute solitude helps set the tone for the day as one reaches out to one's core. It helps one figure out what is essential in life and what is not.
3. Observe a creature. This activity again connects us to other beings other than humans. Whether it is an early bird looking for a worm or a bee looking for honey, a wasp going about building it's nest, little fishes swimming about trying to grasp their feed or even a dog trying to eke out its territory, the activities of other beings is fascinating. You will find every activity is a means to an end.
4. Take an early bath. I have observed over the years that the people who do this have somehow more time and energy in their hands, more disciplined and focused in their approach.
5. Mentally plan out the important activities for the day. A few minutes of planning for the day helps in having more time in your hands and important things getting done. Even a bad plan is better than no plan.
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